Central Service Technical Manual. Руководство сотрудника ЦСО (англ.язык)

Руководство работника ЦСО










Седьмое издание "Руководства сотрудника Центрального стерилизационого отделения", выпускаемого IAHCSMM (Международной ассоциацией специалистов в управлении стерильными материалами в лечебных учреждениях, США). 

Руководство содержит описания всех процессов центрального стерилизационного отделения, подробно иллюстрированные примеры с указанием верных и ошибочных действий персонала. Даются основы медицинской терминологии, анатомии и физиологии, микробиологии применительно работе ЦСО. Описываются применяемые технологии, материалы и оборудования для мойки, упаковки, стерилизации материалов. 

Руководство является учебным пособием для сдачи экзамена IAHCSMM, данный экзамен до определенного времени являлся добровольным, лишь в случае наличия в политике контретного лечебного учреждения был обязателен для сотрудников ЦСО данного учреждения. В последнее время в различных штатах США начинается процесс принятия законов обязывающих сотрудников ЦСО сдавать квалификационный экзамен и получать аттестат соответствия стандартам IAHCSMM.


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Chapter 1. Introduction to Central Service.

What's in name?
Central service work flow
Basic job knowledge and skills
Basic job responsibilities
Basic central service concerns

Chapter 2.Medical Terminology.
Word elements in medical technology
Analysis of medical terms
More about suffixes, roots, and prefixes
Common abbreviations in surgery schedules
Central service terms

Chapter 3. Anatomy and Physiology.
Cells, Tissues, and Organs
Body systems

Chapter 4. Microbiology for Central Service.
Overview of microbiolgy
Basic facts about microorganisms
Identification and classification of microorganisms
How bacteria live and grow
Non-bacterial organisms
Transmission of microorganisms
Control and destruction of microorganisms

Chapter 5. Regulation and Standards.
U.S. food and drug administration
Other federal regulatory agencies
Professional associations

Chapter 6. Infection Prevention and Control.
Central service and infection prevention and control
Getting ready for infection prevention and control
Overview of standard precautions
Osha bloodborne pathogens standard
Environmental concerns in central service areas
Maintaining central service environments
Principles of asepsis

Chapter 7. Tools For Cleaning.
Testing for water quality
Factors that impact water quality
Overview of water purification systems
Distillation, deionization, and reverse osmosis systems
Cleaning chemicals

Chapter 8. Decontamination; Point of Use Preparation and Transport.
Goals of soiled item transport
Sources of contaminated items
Point-of-use preparation
Transport of soiled items
Safety guidelinesfor soiled item transport
Education and training

Chapter 9. Cleaning and Decontamination.
Basic factors that impact cleaning and decontamination
Selection and usage concerns for cleaning agents and lubricants
Cleaning and decontamination processes and methods
Basic instrument cleaning procedures
Infectious waste

Chapter 10. Desinfection.
Basic terminology
Factors impacting effectiveness of disinfectants
Disinfectants and risk levels
Disinfectant activity levels
Chemical action and selection considerations
Disinfectants used in health care facilities
Safety concerns
Thermal disinfection

Chapter 11. Surgical Instrumentation.
Instrument manufacturing process
Classification and overview of surgical instruments
Solutions that damage Instruments
Instrument sharpness testing and identification
Instrumentlubrucation and tray assembly

Chapter 12. Complex Surgical Instruments.
Powered surgical instruments
Basics of endoscopic instruments
Close look at flexible endoscopes
Close look at rigid and semi-regid endoscopes
Loaner instrumentation

Chapter 13. Sterile Packaging and Storage.
Overview of sterile packaging process
Reusable packaging materials
Disposable packaging materials
Methods of package closure
Preparation of pack contents
Basic packaging procedures
Basic packaging considerations
Sterile packaging, storage,and transport

Chapter 14. Point of Use Processing.
Flash sterilization standards
Flash sterilization procedures
Quality controls for flash sterilization
Point of use processing concerns for heat-sensitive devices
Oxidation processes for low-temperature sterilization

Chapter 15. High Temperature Sterilization.
Factors that impact sterilization
Advantages of steam sterilization
Anatomy of a steam sterilizer
Types of steam sterilizers
steam sterilizer cycle phases
Conditions necessary for effective steam sterilization
Basic work practices for steam sterilization
Dry heat sterilization
Sterilization quality control
Special high temperature sterilization concerns

Chapter 16. Low Temperature Sterilization.
Basic sterilization requirements
Ethylene oxide
Hydrogen peroxide (gas plazma)
Review of low temperature sterilization parameters

Chapter 17. Inventory Management.
Importance of managing inventory
Inventory replenishment systems
Automated inventory tracking systems
Distribution of supplies
Important inventory management concepts

Chapter 18. Management of Patient Care Equipment.
Patient care equipment
Basic types of patient care equipment
Handling used (soiled) patient care equipment
Procuring new and additional equipment
Other patient care equipment concerns

Chapter 19. Tracking Systems.
Need to thack equipment
Role of computer-based information systems
Tracking systems for central service
Tracking systems meet specific needs
Features of instrument and equipment tracking systems

Chapter 20. Qality Assurance.
Qality in central service operations
Components of quality
Qality control indicators
Analysis of qality concerns
Qality program alternatives
Qality central service procedures

Chapter 21. Safety.
Common workplace safety hazards
Special ethylene oxide safety procedures
Reporting employee accidents and injuries
All about ergonomics
Preventing and reporting patient injuries
Central service occupational hazards
Disaster plans and preparedness

Chapter 22. Communication and Human Relations Skills.
Need for effective communication and human relations skills
Central service technicians are professionals
Basics of communication
Human relations
Central service technicians and teamwork
Central service technicians and divercity
Customer service skills for central service technicians
Special human relations concerns

Chapter 23. Sterile Processing for Ambulatory Surgery and Other Practices.
Sterile processing science is universal
Ambulatory surgery centers
Dental facilities
Veterans administration (VA) facilities